Conspiracy Corner

I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy a good conspiracy theory. This post is going to focus on some smaller stories. You may have heard of them already. I want to focus on small stories as we will talk about bigger and more in-depth ones on the upcoming podcast this week. 

The thing about conspiracies is that they don't make much sense. At least, most of the time. So don't take these so seriously, it's all for fun and interest. I am not trying to spark outrage or online drama. However, if you would like to share some of your favorites, or know any interesting ones, please me know by commenting. 

                                                   Hollow Earth

So you may have heard the whole " Flat earth" argument. You also might have gotten into an argument or two with a friend or family remember who is an avid flat-earther. However, have you heard of the " Hollow Earth" theory? This is not a new theory, it dates all the way back to the seventeenth century. According to Edmond Halley ( As in Haley's Comet.) claims, that the earth is actually hollow because it's constantly changing. 

                                           Prince Charles is a Vampire

Well O.K, he might not actually be a vampire, but according to a genealogy report, he has the same bloodline as Vlad The Impaler, which means that the Queen or Prince Phillip does too obviously. I'm not really sure how the vampire theory came about, other than the Vlad the Impaler connection. Don't they know that Bram Stoker only took the idea loosely for his book?

                                    Katy Perry is Jon Benet Ramsey 

Theorists claim that Katy Perry is in fact Jon Benet all grown up. This strange accusation was started by a Youtuber, who claimed that Jon Benet's parents sacrificed their daughter so she would grow up to be famous. As wacky as this one is, this is not the only conspiracies on her murder. 

                                  Michael Jackson and Latoya Were The Same People

O.K, this one is one that even my own mother believed for a long time. I remember her saying that she always thought they were the same person. I, of course, thought she was nuts. However, I see that other people think the same thing as well. 

                             Bob Dylan Didn't Actually Write Blowing In The Wind

According to a fella from New Jersey, Lorre Wyatt in 1974, he wrote the song.  Wyatt claimed that he and his band performed the song a year before it was released in 1963. However, Blowing In The Wind was published in Broadside magazine in 1962. Whether true or if Wyatt was looking for a quick get rich opportunity, who going to know? Even in 1974 who could actually figure out the truth, after all, song swapping was a major thing in the Folk scene. Many others claimed that Dylan stole from them. 


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