February 17th, 2021 Weird Stories for a Wednesday

 Good day folks! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday. As we approach the half-way mark of the week and learning life through adventure and pop culture. I thought something a little weird would work. Let's call this a weird Wednesday. Without going into too much detail, this is going to be a short but sweet post. 

Here are some weird stories that have been happening around the globe. 

Man hides from humanity and Covid for three months:

A man from Chicago stowed away in an airport for three months. He not only avoided covid-19 but also managed to avoid any human contact as well. I don't know about you but seems like something straight out of a horror movie to me. I give this guy huge props, I wonder if he could give me any tips.

Emoji solves a murder:

Apparently, you should know your parents texting habits if you plan on killing them. Turns out Jeremey Farmer from Alabama thought he was getting away with murder. However, he got busted using a smiley. Going back to 2019 when his father Fred Farmer went missing on a hunting trip. Turns out he wasn't missing at all. Jeremy was already listed as a suspect since Fred was reported missing. Jeremy could have continued to get away with the murder had he stopped sending those pesky emojis. He had been sending text messages through his father's phone to members of the family resulting in his arrest. 

The Snowy owl returns:

The snowy owl has made itself known again, after a 131-year absence. Witnesses spotted the owl in NYC once again. I wonder how long it will stick around this time?

Orb shows up in Louisiana:

Where is Dr. Who or Sully when you need them? A strange orb came out of nowhere after a transformer blew during a power failure. It reported by different people and captured on video: Orb

Don't bite the hand that feeds you:

Well in this case it was a face. A zookeeper in Germany is in serious condition after being bit in the face by a camel. The zoo is currently closed due to covid, however, the zookeeper was in feeding and caring for the animals, the camel turned quickly and to lock teeth with his face. OUCH. 


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