February 23rd, 2021 Game-Talk

 Good day folks, I hope everyone had a great weekend, and I hope nothing but the best for the week ahead. As we move onto our second week of learning life together. I had this big elaborate post planned but I ran out of time to finish it in time. So I'm hoping that it will be finished by the following Monday. 

So today I thought I would talk about some video games. Last post I discussed self-care. Well video games are a big part of self-care for me, and I don't always have the time to play as many games as I want, I do try to find the time on weekends to do so. One of the games I started the other day was Final Fantasy XV on PS4. I know I am late to the game as I believe it came out in 2016. I've been having a lot of fun with it, a lot more than I thought. I was never a fan of the franchise or series way back when, when all my friends had the sets for PS1. Here I am at almost thirty and it's one of my most enjoyable plays in a while. I am no expert on the series like a lot, so I hope I don't speak out of turn throughout this blog post and you can correct me if I do. 

This is the fifteenth installment and it takes place in the fictional world of EOS You play Lucis as he leads his groups of friends through the world and runs into all sorts of trouble. Like all the rest of the games, you will find yourself doing small quests throughout the game. The game gives you two choices on the difficulty level. Easy or medium, and there is also a multiplayer option if you download the expansion. There are tons of options for downloadable content including more expansions if you desire. 

This addition to the series was received fairly well and got pretty high scores. The creator of the series also spoke highly of it. I can see why this one is easily adaptable to the newcomer. It has appeal to even the novice of gaming. 

Also, I am still plugging away on Animal Crossing on the Switch. I just have a Lite at the moment. I haven't been able to get my hands on the regular console. I am confident that one day That being said, I am looking forward to a better gaming experience once I do. I've yet to play or experience any of the new games on the platform. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do. 

So now I want to ask you, what is your go-to game or game platform? Are you more of an Xbox or Play Station? Or maybe you like the retro and old-school consoles. Let me know and be part of the discussion. 

As always, you can find me on all three social media platforms. As well as on Patreon. 

Also as always. Be kind, be safe and wash your hands.  


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