International Women's Month # 2

 You may have watched the star-studded miniseries Mrs. America. If you did, then you probably saw the very capable actress Margo Martindale playing Rep. Bella Abzug. However, today we are going to learn about the real " Battling Bella Abzug.

Born Bella Savitzky on July 20th, 1920 in NYC to Jewish-Russian immigrants. After attending Highschool and Hebrew school, she enrolled in college and majored in Political Science. Abzug eventually got into law school and was a member of the NY bar in 1945. Very few women were lawyers in the mid-40s, however, that didn't stop Bella. Specializing in Tenant, labor, and civil rights in New York. Her most notable case was defending Willie McGhee. An African-American man who was accused of Rape down south. He was sentenced to death for his crime. Bella lost the case and suffered a horrible miscarriage while being eight months pregnant as a result of the stress and dangers of defending a black man down south in the '50s. 

During her tenure in congress, she was an avid supporter of women's rights including support of access or abortion. She was also the first person of congress to support gay rights. Much of the 1970s was focused mainly on getting the Equal Rights Amendment ( ERA ) passed, as well as ending the war in Vietnam. For which Bella was a major force. 

                                       Other notable contributions and Tid-bits

  • Bella was known for her stylish hats. rarely seen without them unless on the senate floor which they for forbidden. 
  • Bella Changed credit laws. Minorities, single women, or persons that fell under anyone other than a married white man could be denied a line of credit. Backing The Equal Credit Opportunity Act ( ECOA ), it made it illegal to discriminate against anyone regardless of marital status, race, or sex. 
  • In 1976 she ran for Senate but lost by 1% to moderate Daniel Moyhinan 
  • Bella Abzug has a street named after her in NYC's Greenwich Village. 


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