Photography Showcase and Photographic Journeys

 One of my all-time favorite things to do is take pictures. I haven't had a chance, nor have I been focusing much on it lately. I so am looking forward to a little change in the pace of life at the moment so I can get back to it. I took these over the course of the beginning to late winter. Some are black and white, which I love very much. 

Some of these I took over the past week in New York. I am not particularly happy with these ones, and I wasn't sure I was going to post them. 

Taken somewhere on the South Shore. 

A shot in old Boston. 

Waiting for a train to nowhere.

So much useless space. It makes for good experimental photography though. 

A state of decay. 

More of a walk with nature

Something more urban.

I always like explore weird bridges. If you know of any cool ones. Let me know. 

The Cambridge home of The famous culinary queen Julia Child. Many of her later shows were filmed here. You can also see her actual kitchen in the Smithsonian 


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